A place for healing.

  • Discover safety.

    When life happens, brokeness often follows in its wake. We have all known pain. However, many of us have not known what it is like to be seen, attuned to, and witnessed in our particular pain. I believe it is in this space where freedom is tasted.

  • Engage your story.

    No one goes through life without a story. Yet, many of us have come to believe that our stories are not significant. Does the phrase, “I should be over this by now?” sound familiar? Instead of ignoring, I believe engaging your stories is the path to redemption and beauty.

  • Live in abundance.

    Mary Oliver’s sentiment , “listen, are you breathing just a little, and calling it life?” was my story for years. Together, though discovering safety and engaging your story, I have hope that we can find the life you want to live and participate in - the land of the living.